Tuesday, June 21, 2005


We had yet another appointment today and we got both good and bad news. The good news, our baby is doing great and is growing quickly. The bad news, the baby is still breech and is growing quickly. There is still time for the baby to turn though, and only 1-2% of babies stay breech. So there is hope. At our 20 week ultrasound the baby was in the 17th percentile for size. Today our baby weighed 3 pounds 13 ounces and is now in the 44th percentile. The doctor said that baby had a big growth spurt, which, go figure look at mom and dad, we aren’t small people. So we are now thinking a 7-8 pound baby, still not that bad though. Today I am 31 weeks 4 days so we are moving right along. My pregnancy has been really good and I have been pretty spoiled. I just hope they are all like this, right!!!


Miranda said...

Breech?! Yikes! Hope the little non-cleft lip alien turns itself around. Maybe it'll be a gymnast.

Macy, Ashlyn, and Cruise said...

Let's hope something like that.