Saturday, July 23, 2005

everything is great

This last week we had another quick appointment. Everything is going really good yet. The baby is yes, still breech. The doctor isn’t too concerned at this point and won’t do anything to turn it unless I go into labor. Once I go into labor he will try to turn it and if it is unsuccessful then he will do a c-section. I just continue to grow and with these hot summer days it can get interesting. Next Wednesday we have an appointment and it will be a very detailed appointment; I will be sure to blog after it.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

labor and delivery classes

Tuesday night we had our first experience with labor and delivery classes. They basically went over the different kinds of delivery and the different pain medications that can be taken. We aren’t, well I’m not completely sure on what I want to do as far as pain medications. Michael doesn’t have much of a say in that one, he’s not the one suffering through all of this. I have some options to think about, that’s for sure. I have heard though that you are a fool if you don’t get an epidural, we’ll see. I did like the fact that in almost every part of the video the husband was rubbing the wife’s back, hint hint Michael. Next week we will take a tour of the maternal care center, learn about caring for the baby after birth, and draw for some door prizes. They have been a good experience so far, after all we don’t know a whole lot with this being our first.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

quick appointment

Yesterday we had an appointment and it was a quick get-in-get-out appointment. The baby is still breech, there is time for the baby to turn though, and everything is going good. We aren’t too concerned about it being breech right now, we just hope it will be a good little baby and turn soon. We also heard the heart-beat and everything sounded as it should. So far in my pregnancy (33 ½ weeks) I have gained 25-30 pounds. I just hope all of that and then some comes off after the fact….I know keep dreaming, right.