Monday, August 08, 2005

really huge news

We found out that the baby is still breech and we have an appointment for Tuesday morning, August 9th at 9:45. If at that time, the baby is still breech then we have a c-section appointment set up for Wednesday, August 10 at 9:45. So if you guys are wondering why the count down changed, that would be why. We are so excited and so very ready for all of this. It is all that consumes our minds right now. So that’s the plan, Tuesday we go to the doctor and Wednesday we could be having our little angle. Feel free to come up to the hospital at any time to take a peek and say hello. The baby and I will be in there until some time on Saturday or Sunday. I will post on here Tuesday to let everyone know if Wednesday is a go for sure or not. Wish us luck and say a little prayer for us.

1 comment:

Miranda said...
