Thursday, July 13, 2006

long, tired weekend

My uncles Dylan and Tanner and my auntie Maggie came to my house this last weekend. We went to the river all day on Saturday and we had a good time. I did fall asleep on Dylan's lap though while we were boating but I found a nice spot to lay on the boat. Then after they left I fell asleep again in my high chair for the first time, I guess it was a long weekend.


Miranda said...

i'm pretty sure i've slept at that exact same place in the boat. that boat has been around for a long time, i haven't been small enough to fit in there since I was Macy's age!

Macy, Ashlyn, and Cruise said...

isn't that funny, we used to have a really good time on that boat. i'm glad that it is still around and still in the family. you'll have to come with us sometime to take it out.